GN 快速使用手册

GN Quick Start guide





在GYP编译系统中, 系统会在你指定的目录生成Debug Release目录,但是GN不是这样的,用GN,你可以设置任意的目录作为你的编译目录,当你的编译目录被更新了,相应的ninja文件会自动的重新生成;


gn gen out/my_build



gn args out/my_build

这个命令调用一个编辑器让你输入相应的参数; 比如说:

is_component_build = true
is_debug = false

具体的参数你可以通过下面的命令来查询, 看看默认的参数是什么:

gn args --list out/my_build

在上面命令的输出中,请注意查看每个编译参数下面的说明,(⚠️需要说明的是你必须指定编译目录,因为不同的编译目录下可以根据的你的指定产生不同的参数)Chrome的开发者请看一个Chrome特殊的配置说明Chrome-specific build configuration


运行 gn args out/Default (substituting your build directory as needed)并且指定下面用于交叉编译的一个或多个配置选项;

target_os = "chromeos"
target_os = "android"

target_cpu = "arm"
target_cpu = "x86"
target_cpu = "x64"

具体更详细的信息情查看这片文档 GNCrossCompiles

配置 goma

运行 gn args out/Default (substituting your build directory as needed). 添加下面参数:

use_goma = true
goma_dir = "~/foo/bar/goma"



这个和上面goma的配置差不多,运行gn args out/Default之后,添加:

is_component_build = true




创建一个编译文件 tools/gn/tutorial/ 并输入如下内容:

executable("hello_world") {
  sources = [

这个目录下本身就有一个 文件, 是不是很贴心(containing what you expect).就是这样的!现在我们需要告诉gn哪个文件需要编译,打开你当前所在的目录src目录中的BUILD.gn这个文件并添加这个target到依赖root组的目录下;(一个 “group” 对象是一个元目标,代表着一系列的其他target的集合):

group("root") {
  deps = [

你可以看到你的target是以 “//” (表明这是src目录,src根目录),后面接着是你目录地址后面用冒号':'接着是你的target名字;



gn gen out/Default
ninja -C out/Default hello_world

GN的静态编译的target名字不是全局唯一的. 如果你要指定编译具体哪一个目标的时候,你可以在通过ninja编译的时候传递一个target参数给它,同样是“//”+路径+目标名字:

ninja -C out/Default tools/gn/tutorial:hello_world


下面将的示例中, 我们将编译一个简单的SayHello的静态库例子,在你的目录下会有一个hello.cc源文件, 打开tools/gn/tutorial/BUILD.gn文件, 将下面的内容加到现有的BUILD.gn中;

static_library("hello") {
  sources = [

Now let's add an executable that depends on this library: 现在我们加一个依赖这个库的可执行程序;

executable("say_hello") {
  sources = [
  deps = [

This executable includes one source file and depends on the previous static library. The static library is referenced by its label in the deps. You could have used the full label //tools/gn/tutorial:hello but if you're referencing a target in the same build file, you can use the shortcut :hello. 这个执行程序包含一个sya_hello.cc的源文件,并且这个程序依赖之前我们创建的静态库文件,这个静态库文件是通过关键字deps中引入的,这里只是简单的写入了:hello来导入这个依赖,我们可以使用全路径来导入依赖, 比如//tools/gn/tutorial:hello,如果我们依赖的文件就在当前文件当中, 那么就像上面那样填入名字就好了;

Test the static library version

From the command line in the source root directory: 在src根目录通过命令行来编译和测试我们的程序;

ninja -C out/Default say_hello

Note that you didn't need to re-run GN. GN will automatically rebuild the ninja files when any build file has changed. You know this happens when ninja prints [1/1] Regenerating ninja files at the beginning of execution. 需要注意的是, 我们不需要 重新运行GN, 当你的文件有改动的时候GN会自动的重新解析生成ninja文件,你可以通过在编译的时候输出[1/1] Regenerating ninja files来判断;

Compiler settings

Our hello library has a new feature, the ability to say hello to two people at once. This feature is controlled by defining TWO_PEOPLE. We can add defines like so: 我们的hell库现在有了一个新功能,我们函数调用可以一次sayhello问候两个人,我们想通过宏TWO_PEOPLE来控制这个功能, 那么我们可以像下面这样定义:

static_library("hello") {
  sources = [
  defines = [

Putting settings in a config

However, users of the library also need to know about this define, and putting it in the static library target defines it only for the files there. If somebody else includes hello.h, they won't see the new definition. To see the new definition, everybody will have to define TWO_PEOPLE. 但是, 这个库的使用者也需要知道这个宏的定义,我们将它放在静态库的那个中,那么只能由这个target来使用, 如果其他人引用了头文件hello.h,那么这个宏对于他/她来说是不可见的,那么这个功能就是失效了,如果想使用这个功能, 每个引入这个头文件的人都需要重新定义TWO_PEOPLE这么一个宏

GN has a concept called a “config” which encapsulates settings. Let's create one that defines our preprocessor define: GN有一个叫做"config"的概念, 你可以创建一个配置选项来包含所有一系列的设置,我们就来创建一个这样一个配置来处理我们的这个define;

config("hello_config") {
  defines = [

你只需要在config标签上加上这些设置就可以应用到你的目标文件上; To apply these settings to your target, you only need to add the config's label to the list of configs in the target:

static_library("hello") {
  configs += [

Note that you need “+=” here instead of “=” since the build configuration has a default set of configs applied to each target that set up the default build stuff. You want to add to this list rather than overwrite it. To see the default configs, you can use the print function in the build file or the desc command-line subcommand (see below for examples of both). 注意, 上面我们使用的是+=而不是=,因为我们编译这个target的时候, 其本身就有一些configs, 我们是想增加一些设置而不是取代所有的设置, 想要看所有的default的设置选项,可以在编译文件中使用print函数或在命令行中通过desc查看, 具体看下面的example;

Dependent configs

This nicely encapsulates our settings, but still requires everybody that uses our library to set the config on themselves. It would be nice if everybody that depends on our hello library can get this automatically. Change your library definition to:

static_library("hello") {
  sources = [
  all_dependent_configs = [

This applies the hello_config to the hello target itself, plus all targets that transitively depend on the current one. Now everybody that depends on us will get our settings. You can also set public_configs which applies only to targets that directly depend on your target (not transitively).

Now if you compile and run, you'll see the new version with two people:

> ninja -C out/Default say_hello
ninja: Entering directory 'out/Default'
[1/1] Regenerating ninja files
[4/4] LINK say_hello
> out/Default/say_hello
Hello, Bill and Joy.

Add a new build argument

You declare which arguments you accept and specify default values via declare_args.

declare_args() {
  enable_teleporter = true
  enable_doom_melon = false

See gn help buildargs for an overview of how this works. See gn help declare_args for specifics on declaring them.

It is an error to declare a given argument more than once in a given scope, so care should be used in scoping and naming arguments.

Don‘t know what’s going on?

You can run GN in verbose mode to see lots of messages about what it's doing. Use -v for this.

There is a print command which just writes to stdout:

static_library("hello") {

This will print all of the configs applying to your target (including the default ones).

The “desc” command

You can run gn desc <build_dir> <targetname> to get information about a given target:

gn desc out/Default //tools/gn/tutorial:say_hello

will print out lots of exciting information. You can also print just one section. Lets say you wanted to know where your TWO_PEOPLE define came from on the say_hello target:

> gn desc out/Default //tools/gn/tutorial:say_hello defines --blame
...lots of other stuff omitted...
  From //tools/gn/tutorial:hello_config
       (Added by //tools/gn/tutorial/

You can see that TWO_PEOPLE was defined by a config, and you can also see the which line caused that config to be applied to your target (in this case, the all_dependent_configs line).

Another particularly interesting variation:

gn desc out/Default //base:base_i18n deps --tree

See gn help desc for more.


You can see what took a long time by running it with the --time command line flag. This will output a summary of timings for various things.

You can also make a trace of how the build files were executed:

gn --tracelog=mylog.trace

and you can load the resulting file in Chrome's about:tracing page to look at everything.

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